日期:2021-11-26 10:26:28 浏览:3 栏目:行业资讯
【作者单位】:北京国电华北电力工程有限公司 北京100011
为减少二氧化硫排放,国家发展和改革委员会3月29日公布了今年现有燃煤电厂需开工建设烟气脱硫项目名单,总装机容量为3 747.4万kW.15家发电集团、发电公司和26个独立经营发电厂(共计78个电厂)榜上有名.国家电网公司184万kW燃煤机组需开工建设烟气脱硫项目,华能集团公司309.4万kW,大唐集团公司434万kW,华电集团公司96万kW,国电集团公司312万kW,中国电力投资集团公司303万kW.而且这些烟气脱硫项目的开工建设,还会直接影响这些企业将来新建、扩建项目的上报审批问题.对此,华能、大唐国际、华电、国电等发电集团公司已经开始对所属旧机组烟囱…
By combining the experience in design of wet chimney anti-corrosion with the FGD reconstruction of the old chimney in China in recent years,the author puts forward the main considerations in FGD renovation of the old chimneys and suggests that the proper anti-corrosion options should be taken depending on the actual conditions of the old chimneys.An example of the anti-corrosion reconstruction on the chimney of Huaneng Yangluo Power Plant Phase II is given together with the performance analysis of anti-corrosive material.The applicable scope of some anti-corrosion reconstruction options on the old chimneys is suggested and the technical guideline to implementing such an anti-corrosion reconstruction project on chimneys is recommended,which can be referred to in the future for the similar projects of the fossil-fired power plants.
【Keyword】:wet chimney;FGD renovation;anti-corrosion for chimneys;durability
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